Honeysuckle is one of my favourite flower.
I think about the lovely honeysuckle in my mom's garden. In fact that's the first one I plant in my garden.
That's my favourite moment to look at this huge plant. The flowers are gone and the fruits show their face .
Last year I had my tatoo. A composition with honeysuckle, oak, eucalyptus and sweet chestnut.
Perhaps I'm oversensitive but I'd never ever have thought that it hurt so much !
I bring the tattooist a quick sketch with the composition. I was affraid because he directly draw his composition (inspired by my sketck) with his pen on my skin. I agree with his draw and next he started to tattoo.
I'm really happy with the design.
S o there is my 10.2 inches doll to hang.
Honeysuckle is one of my favorite flowers.
I think the beautiful plant that is in the garden of my mother. In fact this is the first plant we have installed in the garden.
is my favorite time to watch it. The flowers and fruits have disappeared point their nose.
Last year I started this tattoo in which I pondered for quite some time. It is a composition of honeysuckle, oak, eucalyptus and chestnut.
Well, I may be cozy but wow! pain during the sessions was atrocious!
I brought to tattoo a quick sketch of the composition. I admit I was scared because he has drawn on his marker on my back. I liked drawing and hop on it tattooed!
In fact, I like it very much.
Sinon voici mon dernier perso. Une poupée de 26cm à suspendre.