Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cruise Locations For Gay Charlotte Nc

etsy shop! Honeysuckle


That's for a long long time my Esty shop WAS down ...
that's all ancient history!
There Are Still A Few Little Things I Have to add.
See You There

Good day,

This faiit a moment that my etsy shop is empty ..
is now ancient history!
2-3 I still have things to add.
On se retrouve

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pink And Gerbera Wedding

Honeysuckle is one of my favourite flower.
I think about the lovely honeysuckle in my mom's garden. In fact that's the first one I plant in my garden.
That's my favourite moment to look at this huge plant. The flowers are gone and the fruits show their face .

Last year I had my tatoo. A composition with honeysuckle, oak, eucalyptus and sweet chestnut.
Perhaps I'm oversensitive but I'd never ever have thought that it hurt so much !
I bring the tattooist a quick sketch with the composition. I was affraid because he directly draw his composition (inspired by my sketck) with his pen on my skin. I agree with his draw and next he started to tattoo.
I'm really happy with the design.

S o there is my 10.2 inches doll to hang.  

Honeysuckle is one of my favorite flowers.
I think the beautiful plant that is in the garden of my mother. In fact this is the first plant we have installed in the garden.
is my favorite time to watch it. The flowers and fruits have disappeared point their nose.

Last year I started this tattoo in which I pondered for quite some time. It is a composition of honeysuckle, oak, eucalyptus and chestnut.
Well, I may be cozy but wow! pain during the sessions was atrocious!
I brought to tattoo a quick sketch of the composition. I admit I was scared because he has drawn on his marker on my back. I liked drawing and hop on it tattooed!
In fact, I like it very much.

Sinon voici mon dernier perso. Une poupée de 26cm à suspendre.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Expiration Date On Meal Replacements

Telephone free via gmail

Google now offers a feature in Gmail to make calls.
Calls to the U.S. and Canada are free in 2010, then the offer will be expanded to other countries. Rates might be quite low with calls in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, Japan for $ 0.02 per minute.
To dial a phone number, it works like a normal phone. Just click phone "Call" on top of your list and dial a number or enter the name of a contact.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Military Ball Hairstyle

A + an amazing weekend raining news

This week it was raining a lot. That was fantastic because I fed up with this sunny weather.
I love when it rains.
I lay on my sofa with my blanket and my cats. The house seems more confortable, the street and people are more quiet. and I feel more creative
Well I love the smell of the air when it rains !
So, I want to thanks this lovely weather with a new doll. That's a 10.2 inches doll to hang.
I'd love to hug a black cloud too.


I've got a big big news !
You don't imagine how much big it is.

For me it's month three of pregnancy.. We must  be proud parents around february 21.
This echographia was an moving experience. We did'nt expect to see the baby so much developed.
I can't wait to see my belly becoming huge.
Perhaps we'll sell our house to buy a bigger and loveliest one.
I grow impatient with these great news ! 

Have a lovely weekend!

This week it rained a lot. What amazing time! I am really tired of this sun.
I love it when it rains.
I lie on my couch with my cats and my blanket. The house is comfortable, the street and people are calm. I feel more creative now.
I love the smell of the air when it rains!
And thank this pleasant week here is a new character. It's a doll, 26 cm hanging.
I embrace as a big black cloud too.

Otherwise I have great news! You
can not imagine how huge this is new.
I'm pregnant!
I'm three months. We should be parents to February 21.
Ultrasound has been a while so moving. We did not expect to see a baby so developed.
I look forward to my stomach becomes ééénorme.
We may be selling our house for a bigger and more beautiful.
Oh, I'm so excited face of such news.

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cellebrite Update File

Analytics Picasa albums

Google has enabled a new feature on Picasa. It allows for data traffic statistics of your photo albums. Just create a new Analytics account (not a google account) and go into the settings of your Picasa account and add the analytics code (beginning with AU-).

Bmx/skate/scooter Birthday Cakes

SEO Camp Meeting in Toulouse October 2, 2010

association SEO Camp will hold a meeting Oct. 2, 2010 in Toulouse.
I'll be going back in the day to participate in Roundtable on "The art of SEO, working as SEO, working with an SEO" to present the first results of the study Use of SEO and discuss the issues of recruitment (salaries, profiles ...).

As I must be in the netherlands, the next morning, I could stay for a drink and recreate the world of Search.

More info: http://www.seo-camp.org/

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Complaint Medical Malpractice

Some days ago, my beloved and I spent a day beside the sea.
That was a prefect day. Not that kind with lots of tiresome tourists. No. The weather was a little bit cold -exactly what I love-
It was pleasant to feel the fresh water on my feet, to walk on the sand, to look and hear seagull, to pick shellfish.

And so, let's me introduce my mermaid.

Well That's quite strange for me to post about holidays when i feel year autumn atmosphere around me.

Some time ago, my boyfriend and I spent a day at sea
was a great day. We were very lucky because the weather was a bit cold (just as I like) which allowed us to avoid the tourists ... I love walking
in fresh water, feel the sand on my bare feet and shell collecting!

And so I present to you my siren.

It makes me a little weird to talk about vacation as I feel so close to fall!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Load Maps To Garmin Mobile Pc

Canoe Raid ...

Some pictures of our new highly acclaimed canoeing ...

Some pictures of our new Highly acclaimed Canoe Raid ...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sample Beauty Therapist Cv

Sometimes We Must Take Risks , try new things, new media admitted to We Must When It does not match to us ... When We Have to turn back

Well I Had Spent A Day Working with clay to it didn't Turned Exactly as I wanted ...
I love Working with clay I am Unable to view made clay with my actual work.
I stop hearing at this voice that tells me I lost time
So I take a great breathe, I smile and turn back without sorrow

Talking about new media tempts me to show you little treasures from my studio.
These are things I have found on secondhand trades.
If I can, I visit secondhand trades each weekends. There I found pearls, cloth, buttons,... Look at these old loto token.
An well they were perfect for this 30th birthday present !

Sometimes you have to take risks, try new things, new media to bring out new products.
Sometimes you need to know to admit when something does not suit us and go back.

Well, I had a great day working with clay but the result was not up to my expectations.
I am unable to integrate the clay in my current job.
forget that voice that makes me think that it is a day lost, I breathe, I smile and I move on!

Speaking of new media .. I want to show you two to three treasures that hang in my studio. These are things
mottling in flea markets. If possible, I visit flea markets every weekend. I dug up miles findings, beads, fabrics, buttons, .. Watch these old wooden bingo chips.
They agreed perfectly for this birthday gift 30 years.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Songs For Basketball Games


Today I Have Fun Working with clay.
That's an old medium I Nearly forgot.
I Used to Work with Fimo Wich I do not really like.

Spending An Afternoon at my studio wont 'Be The Same Without My lovely cat Rory

Today I had the pleasure of rediscovering the clay. Damn! I had almost forgotten how this medium is nice.
I often worked with Fimo who never really packed.

An afternoon working in my studio would not be the same without my love Rory.