Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Not Be Awkward Around That Guy

I strike! A skeleton

Encore toutes mes excuse pour le manque de nouvelles.
Les travaux home in advance in small steps and I still eagerly my studio (that I'm sworn to complete for the start of the new year).
Until I strike!
So I come back with pretty new, I promise!

If I take this post to announce a new-and wonderful-concours in Allen Designs.

My last post WAS More than a month ago! I apology for this!
Purpose works come in our Home to-end.
I wait impatiently
for my studio (I swear I got one for this new year) and meanwhile I strike!
Purpose'll Come With this new year With lots of news projects, new dolls.

And, You Have a chance to win a fantastic piece of Allen's art designs. ^ ^ (XX)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Wavy Lines In Cats Eye


Brundibar of HANZ KRAZ

Poster presentation of the show

Creating opera Brundibar, with school children and Monnot Massignon in Abu Dhabi.
four weeks of rehearsals in November and again throughout the month of May to finalize the project with 40 children
On the video, here is the first group to work with me after a few days of rehearsals